Monday, December 27, 2010

Halfway there

6 dpo today, whoo hoo!  Halfway through my LP and only one week until I'll be testing!  (Assuming AF doesn't show, of course.) 

I'm sticking to my resolution of not testing early.  I ran out of internet cheapies last cycle, and will not be ordering more until 9 dpo (free two-day shipping -- thanks Amazon Prime!), so I won't be tempted.

I am really, really hoping this is our cycle.


  1. that is incredibly mature of you, I would be testing already probably. Good luck!

  2. Yay for almost being halfway through your LP!! I'm still waiting for CH's this cycle. I really really hope this is your cycle! I don't think I could wait past 9dpo to start testing! You are very strong and patient to wait.

  3. hi, were you pregnant? =/ only i'm 6dpo approx, seem to have a few symptoms and my temp is certainly in the "pregnant" stage

  4. "Anonymous"... I saw your post on TTCAL, and I have to say I think it is quite inappropriate that you would post this here. If you read far enough down on my blog to find this post, you CLEARLY would have seen that I was pregnant this cycle, but that I lost it a few days later due to a chemical pregnancy. But thanks for reminding me!
