Friday, July 29, 2011

23 weeks

How far along?  23 weeks, 6 days. 

Weight gain/loss:   Down 0.2 pounds from last week.  Not really sure how or why this happened, but I've been trying to make up for it by eating even more ice cream this week.  ;-)  8.4 pounds above my pre-pregnancy weight.

Maternity clothes?  Always.

Stretch marks?  Yup, definitely have some on my boobs.

Sleep?  Sleep is still pretty good, although I have been waking up multiple times per night to use the bathroom, due to having crazy dreams, etc.

Best moment this week?  Seeing Baby C kick from the outside!

Food cravings:  Nothing really.

Gender:  DH still says girl...  I don't know anymore.  lol 

Belly button in or out?  Actually, about 1/3 out now.  The top of my belly button is almost completely flat, while the lower part is still in.

Movement?  Yes, Baby C is moving ALL the time now! I love it!

What I miss?  Nothing really.

What I'm looking forward to:  Hitting the 24-week mark tomorrow... Hooray for viability!

Milestones:  Baby C will be considered viable outside of the womb as of tomorrow.  I'd say that's a pretty great milestone!

Friday, July 22, 2011

22 weeks - vacation bump and 3D baby edition!


This week is a super special blog post -- not only do you get to see my baby bump on vacation, but also an unexpected photo of Baby C in 3D!

(Disclaimer, I was too tired/busy/lazy this week to take and edit my own belly pic, so I am recycling one from our vacation.  lol)

Today was my next-scheduled ultrasound to try and get the heart measurements Baby C wouldn't cooperate with last month.  (Holy cow, can't believe it has been an entire month since then!)  The great news is that Baby C looks completely healthy and is doing fantastic!  His/her heart rate was 158 bpm, and s/he is still measuring ahead and in the 62nd percentile.  Other than this obviously wonderful news, the next-best part of our appointment was when the tech asked if she could turn on the 3D.  Apparently, she just loves using the 3D, so we got a ton of unexpected 3D views of our baby!  Here is the best one of Baby C's little face... I may be biased, but I think s/he is quite the little cutie!  ;-)


I can't believe we will be meeting Baby C in 17 short weeks (or less!!!!)
And now, the weekly post...

How far along?  22 weeks, 6 days. 

Weight gain/loss:   Up 2.2 pounds since my last post two weeks ago, which puts me at 8.6 pounds above my pre-pregnancy weight.

Maternity clothes?  Of course.

Stretch marks?  Sadly, I think I have found my first ones... on my boobs.

Sleep?  Still feeling pretty good and not too tired.  No real difficulty sleeping yet.

Best moment this week?  Seeing Baby C's little face for the first time today!

Food cravings:  Nothing significant that I can think of this week.

Gender:  DH still says girl, but I might be starting to waver on the "its a boy" thing based on a few quick glimpses I saw on today's ultrasound.  (But we are still Team Green!)

Belly button in or out?  In, but definitely more shallow.

Movement?  All the time.  :-)

What I miss?  Nothing really!

What I'm looking forward to:  Baby C being viable (on the outside) in 8 days.  I will breathe a huge sigh of relief once we pass that milestone!

Milestones:  Seeing Baby C in 3D!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

20 weeks!

How far along?  20 weeks, 5 days. 

Weight gain/loss:   Actually down 0.6 pounds from my last post two weeks ago.  However, upon further reflection, I think that week's weight gain (3.2 pounds!) was artificially high, due to DH and I going out with friends for dinner the night before and me eating waaaay too much.  I weighed in a full 1.6 pounds less than that at 19 weeks, and then gained one pound exactly from 19 weeks to 20 weeks.  (Confused by all of the numbers yet?  lol)  Long story short -- I am now up 6.4 pounds above my pre-pregnancy weight. 

Maternity clothes?  Yes, still. 

Stretch marks?  Not yet.

Sleep?  Finally feeling not so tired.  Thank goodness!

Best moment this week?  Last night, Baby C was going crazy in my ute, so I pushed my fingers into my belly where s/he was kicking... and Baby C kicked my hand!  It was so cool!

Food cravings:  Nothing significant that I can think of this week.

Gender:  I still say boy.  DH still thinks girl.

Belly button in or out?  In, but I think it is starting to get more shallow.  DH was actually the first to notice!

Movement?  I am feeling Baby C every day now (hooray!).  Usually s/he has a really active spell between 7:00-9:00 each morning, occasionally once in the afternoon, and pretty much every night after dinner.  I love it!

What I miss?  Nothing this week.

What I'm looking forward to:  Vacation!  DH and I are leaving tomorrow for 9 days, so I will probably miss next week's post.  Sorry, readers!  ;-)

Milestones:  Being half-baked!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Half-baked (and oops)!

Well as of today, I am officially half-baked!  I can't believe I am halfway through this pregnancy already... what a relief!  Now, if only November could hurry up and get here...

Also, I realized I forgot to do my weekly post this week.  Oops!  DH and I had company and I was busy spending time with them and it completely slipped my mind until today, which was obviously too late.  I will have to do a better job next week!  haha

I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday weekend!  Happy 4th of July!  :-)